Ka'zol if you are lurking...

Weldcome Back Kazol and you are a lucky person got your Jinzu Hilt on the first night haha. wooot and got some pvp too
Thank you for the warm welcome Farid, as for the pvp hopefully next time I will actually kill someone lol :)
Nope I dont play anymore. I was an awsome melee medic on bloodfin with all triple 25 clothes and armor then I quit. I think it was like a billion credit char after all the stats mods, foods, armor, weapons, clothes, stimpacks, and everything else.

They change anything?

PS: It was kinda tough to change galaxies like that but when I play on wanderhome I really feel like SWG is dead. Bloodfin is actually still fun.
Nope I dont play anymore. I was an awsome melee medic on bloodfin with all triple 25 clothes and armor then I quit. I think it was like a billion credit char after all the stats mods, foods, armor, weapons, clothes, stimpacks, and everything else.

They change anything?

PS: It was kinda tough to change galaxies like that but when I play on wanderhome I really feel like SWG is dead. Bloodfin is actually still fun.

Not to burst your bubble but a billion credits isnt really worth that much real life money anymore lol