Force Unleashed Demo


New member
For those of you looking forward to this title and own a PS3 or Xbox360, the 1 level demo will be dropping this Thursday. No specific time has been revealed as of right now, but Thursday is the day.

Keep your fingers crossed that Hayden didn't fuck this game up :p It does look good to me.
Hmm no PC version because of "variance" from PC to PC... ok then...

Because obviously if some PC users have to turn down the graphics it will "water it down" to where it's a bad game? Sure... If it's a good game the graphics don't matter (that much). Good gameplay can make up for graphics to a large extent. If you ask me it's just an excuse for developing for consoles because they get more money from it for some reason or another. I can picture Microsoft writing out big checks for console-only games for their 360 since nobody bought the Vista bait.

Ok I'm being a bit crazy but still... I don't have a console get me a PC version grr
i wouldnt be surprised to see it come to pc in about 8 months or so. nearly all the gta games werent supposed to be coming to pc....
i wouldnt be surprised to see it come to pc in about 8 months or so. nearly all the gta games werent supposed to be coming to pc....
They don't want to start shouting, "there will be a PC version in six months". It does them no good. If there is one, they'll drop it with a couple extra levels. Like, say, add the Wii levels with all the physics and AI candy. Just enough to make the hardcore fans who bought it for the 360 and PS3 consider picking it up again.
true enough, i was just giving an example of blatant lying when it comes to pc ports
i wouldnt be surprised to see it come to pc in about 8 months or so. nearly all the gta games werent supposed to be coming to pc....

I hope to see it come out on the PC but I doubt junior can do enough whining and begging to get mommy or daddy to run out and get them a new pc that can run it. :rolleyes:
Well the boys over at got to play the demo early..apparently (lucky bastards) and they seem to have some good things to say:

"You can slice the experience down in a number of ways, and that assertion holds: the ritual, the reverence, and the recognition are all there. I like Star Wars, or perhaps I like the idea of Star Wars, or maybe I like the Star Wars that my mind populates the margins of the movies with. But watching Gabe play through this demo - and I am not fucking kidding you - five times, in rapid succession, the gulf between our predilections yawned.

It's crucial that we establish the parameters of this statement: I'm referring very specifically to the demo, and not some full retail product of which I have no knowledge. What I'm saying is that they have offered up a molecule of some very large ideas, and if this structure scales, genuine enthusiasm for the title is the natural and correct response. It respects enthusiasts by delivering something that takes Star Wars as seriously as they do. If there are any Gungans in this game, I assume they're only there to be cut in half.

It's a brawler where you can levitate a person, throw a lightsaber into them, push them away with the force and have your returning energy sword kill two other guys. The demo hints at weapon customization, but this element isn't exposed. The force powers turn every room into a playground, finding out what comes off, what breaks, and (thanks to their sometimes freakily believable materials system) what warps or bends. Lore fans (such as myself) will enjoy the groundwork being laid in. Everyone else will enjoy being incredibly mean to people who might not entirely deserve it."

Well i'm sold lol :p
Ok, so it's out and I DL'd and played it this morning before going to work.

It's definitely fun in that arcade/console brawler type of game. You are very powerful in the demo force wise....with just the few tricks you can use in the demo.

Force lightning, lightning enhanced saber, force push, enhanced push, grip, etc etc. Theres no denying that picking up an enemy and either impaling them with your saber while still in the air is is tossing bad guys into the abyss with extreme force.

You can seriously hurl enemies.....way off into the distance. It's fun for what you are give to play through. It's fairly short and can be rushed through in about 10-20 mins.

It also has some of those time button mini games a'la God of War for finishing off larger bad guys...I won't spoil it but you'll know what I mean when you reach the end of the demo.
Heh I did indeed.....

It clocks in at around 900MB for the demo...apparently it's only out on Live now, the PS3 demo is coming but no release time has been stated as of yet.
On live? HNayl....though I rarely play online. I had a serious COD4 online addiction for a while but I haven't been online with it in a few months.

Don't bad mouth the PS3 so much, it's a helluva machine if you give it a chance. I bought it back when it was mad expensive and i'm still not regretting buying it for a second.

You play any other 360 games on live? I have BF bad company staring me in the face at home which i've had since its release but have yet to go online with it...heck I've only played about 3 levels of the SP portion of the game.
Had Bad Company, but traded it in. The online play was ....lacking to say the least. Even on EA's servers the game was pretty laggy and the only game mode they had at the time was meant for people to work in teams, but no one did, so it was just a massive zerg fest.

As far as other games, I'll play Halo 3 from time to time. Lol other than that, I don't really play many games online, much of that is due to the fact that you're dependent on someone having a good internet connections (which is rarely). The other half is the cess pool that is XBL. I mainly use the online service for downloads, demos, XBLA, movies ...junk like that.
Yeah same here.....I forced myself to deal with idiots on live because COD4 is so damn good. Did you give that a try? I'm sure you did....

Halo huh? I love FPS's but the series (original game exluded) never hooked me in...especially the MP. The online community was worse than what I had found in COD4...and I didnt think that was possible lol.
Actually have CoD4 for PC. Played it on 360, but enjoy the multiplayer aspect a lot more on a computer. I'm one of those stubborn individuals that doesn't like FPS' on a console. I also highly recommend Team Fortress 2 if you haven't given that a whirl. It's like diet sunkist mixed with pixie sticks I tells ya!