Re-Built with new name and look


New member
Well, switched web providers due to the lack of options and sub standard support I was getting. Problem was, I couldn't transfer the domain name due to several reasons, so I re-created and re-built. I think it looks more professional and a little less generic.

New site is
ROFL was looking at your forums and saw MATT DAMON then I go to reply over here and gomi writes MATT DAMON. :p

Anyway nice job on the site it looks well done to me.
nice timi. just wondering if that is a free theme you used? if so where abouts did you find it?
nice timi. just wondering if that is a free theme you used? if so where abouts did you find it?

Nah, had to pay for it. There are some nice free ones out there, but you really have to look. A lot of the ones I found look more or less like a standard nuke theme.