I'd say he needs to live up to what he has promised, but he is even killing expectations. It'll be 4 years of more political BS and a flash in the pan.
The excuse of "I cannot get ahead in life because the man is keeping me down" is now null and void.

That's the only positive I see of this election.
That's basically what I was thinking, that though Obama is kinda crazy, it can't be that bad because at least I will stand a better chance to make it to a higher class (and therefore pay more taxes LOL :p)
Actually he's not won until the electoral college meets and votes, however it is unlikely you'd have enough faithless electors to affect the election. (Always one or two per election).

As for Obama, he's going to need a lot of prayers for his safety and for wisdom.

He cannot deliver even a 1/10th of what he has promised. He has given many of the same promises Clinton gave. That is National Health Care and a tax cut for the middle class. Clinton was never able to get a NHC passed, not because it isn't perhaps a worthy cause but because no one could ever figure out how we could afford it. Clinton raised taxes on the middle class after promising not to do so in his campaign.

Honestly the only way Obama can get even part of what he's promised is to raise taxes. I think ultimately Congress will raise them and Obama will go along with it. I think this will probably hurt him for reelection in 2012 much like George H. W. Bush's promise of no new taxes killed his reelection when he had to give into new taxes.

Historically his presidency is likely to be a weaker presidency than George Bush or Bill Clinton's. You usually get a couple of strong presidents and then a few that are lame ducks until a strong one rises again.

The first two years of Obama's administration will be more controlled by what Reid and Pelosi wish to do than by Obama's own desires. Most of the Democratic gains have also been what are termed blue dog democrats who are unlikely to support a heavily left agenda.

I just hope that unlike Carter and Bush (43) that Obama will realize the value of the veto and veto bad legislation. If he just rubberstamps it like Carter and Bush did through most of their administrations we will be in worse shape in 4 years than we are today.

Only by controlling government spending and rolling back programs that we cannot afford will we provide a better future for America.
The excuse of "I cannot get ahead in life because the man is keeping me down" is now null and void.

That's the only positive I see of this election.

Bingo, but most of them don't see it that way, so we'll still be hearing about how the white man is keeping them down, don't you worry.

Frankly I could give less than a shit about Obama winning, just like I could've given less than a shit if McCain won. I really don't think that much is going to change. I am kind of nervous about one thing, this Civilian Security Force that's supposed to be as well funded as the US military? WTF? We already have a civilian security force it's called the police. What is this going to be, an army of paid snitches ala the Soviet Union? Or is it just going to be him giving jobs and authority to gun toting Black Panthers and other black supremacist shitbags? Time will tell, but I'll be stocking up on guns and ammunition just in case.
I'll just keep going to work when I'm supposed to, as I have been.

I do worry about my job security now, more after this election. Higher taxes has the effect of sending jobs overseas.

If he brings the troops home too early you're going to see a ton of veterans upset that the job wasn't finished, and their friends died for nothing.

And now the cycle switches. The next election should see some Republican gains in congress once people start getting upset at Democrats.

Oh well...

At least now women will have to register with Selective Service, which is one of the issues whiere I actually agreed with Obama.
Has not had 1 day in office yet and we have people losing their jobs,stocking up on guns and ammo and have him trivializing the deaths of are soilders in the War in the middle east by bringing the soilders home before the job is done.

4 years to undo 8 years of George W's administrations bullshit.No easy task for anyone or any nation to overcome overnight.But i will let him put in some work before i hide in a bunker or judge him yet.;)
lol it's so funny that everyone is QQing about Obama
raising taxes. Our current president skyrocketed our national debt to over $10 trillion. How the he'll do you think were gonna pay that off? Taxes and bortrowing from china. If it was up to me I'd regulate earnings of corporations and eliminate executive bonuses to help out.

Remember naysayers, obama is being handed a disaster for his presidency. Even if he comes through on a fourth of what he has promised, it will be a huge accomplishment.