Looking for some old SWG partners


New member
Hey, excuse me if I'm posting in the wrong section, but this seems to be the most appropriate place for asking this.

I was wondering whether two persons are still around. Aerosol, and Enia (biggrass420).
I used to play SWG with both of them back in 2005/2006, and when I left, I was on aerosol's guild, probably as a co-leader, if I recall correctly.
I stumbled upon Enia a couple of years ago while on SWGEmu. However, I never managed to talk with him long enough to get any contact info before I left it.

Back when I still played SWG, I used to group with Enia and do all the high level instances, sharing the loot in a more friendly way than having a whole group doing those instances and fighting over the loot.

Anyway, my main character name was Root Zorak I believe, though I can't remember the name of my alternate character.
I don't know if anyone around here remember me as I don't remember anyone myself.
I have some vague images in my head though. I remember another Jedi who used to group with me for some high level stuff, like hunting Krayt Dragons and such, and I remember a bounter hunter (maybe?) who I used to talk/duel, I believe the name was desiree or something like that.

Anyway, if someone could share some light in the whereabouts of the individuals mentioned above, I would appreciate it very much.