Just a quick hello.


New member
Thought I would drop in and have a read of the forums as I'm kinda retired from gaming now but do miss it every so often.

I'm now living full time on a small tropical island in the Gulf of Thailand named Koh Phangan. My only internet connection is GPRS over my mobile phone (surprisingly cheap).

If any of you are ever in this kneck of the woods then look me up, you can contact me through my website at http://www.phanganparties.com.

Have fun folks!
haha lucky git! hows it been the last year or so?

still doing the betting stuff? :D
according to my step brother, apparently there's lots of accidental hooking up with the wrong sex......
according to my step brother, apparently there's lots of accidental hooking up with the wrong sex......
I just don't want to know why.

However, I meant activities. Like hiking, rowing, martial arts, temples to visit. Tourist attractions so to speak. Of course the culture has to be a point of attract, but what else?
going by my street fighter knowledge there are a load of old temple type things to visit :D

[LEFT said:
lucky git! hows it been the last year or so?

still doing the betting stuff? :D

The last year has been good mate, managed not to do any work and live in paradise. Gotta work a bit now though :(

[LEFT said:
Tiveria[/left];162704]Damn. I swear that man is the luckiest s-o-b I know.

Sometimes Tiv, sometimes :)

[LEFT said:
Artica[/left];162743]Thailand huh?

That's a country I know nothing of. What is there to do there? ^_^

Let me see, well I spend a lot of time on the balcony in my hammock contemplating the world. Sometimes I go diving, I will soon be a qualified instructor. Oh yes and then there is the whole pregnant girlfriend thing which is quite interesting, my first time you see. So on November 25th (or there abouts) TDP will get it's newest and youngest member :). In between all this I go to the sauna, get a massage, all kinds of terribly strenuous stuff :)

[LEFT said:
PrOdiGy[/left];162746]according to my step brother, apparently there's lots of accidental hooking up with the wrong sex......

Yeah there is a lot of that in some places, not so much where I live, too small.
Let me see, well I spend a lot of time on the balcony in my hammock contemplating the world. Sometimes I go diving, I will soon be a qualified instructor. Oh yes and then there is the whole pregnant girlfriend thing which is quite interesting, my first time you see. So on November 25th (or there abouts) TDP will get it's newest and youngest member :). In between all this I go to the sauna, get a massage, all kinds of terribly strenuous stuff :)

Damn pirates. Stav lets anyone in here now!


Hey! I'm a retired pirate now! :D

Actually, the island I live on was originally inhabited by Chinese pirates, the 4 big families here who control just about everything are all descended from them. It's actually a pretty lawless place, the police chief is on the payroll of the big bar owners so he turns a blind eye to certain things that get sold across the counter. Then there is the whole land mafia who make their money by selling land that doesn't have and cannot get building permission to unsuspecting tourists, they have been known to shoot the odd lawyer or two (damn good idea really) who made an issue of things ;) So it fits me quite well!

I have a blog up at http://blog.decurro.co.uk if anyone wants a closer look!

Take care folks, nice to see some old faces still around.