George Lucas Announces Two More Star Wars Movies


The Dirty Smuggler/Agent

We absolutely knew that George Lucas was not done with the Star Wars universe. The Star Wars creator revealed to Fox News that he will make two more live-action Star Wars films.
“But they won’t have members of the Skywalker family as characters,” he said. “They will be other people of that milieu.”
The two “extra” movies will probably be one hour in length and made for television.
At the one hour length, what will differentiate the upcoming hour-long live-action Star Wars television series from the films? Wouldn’t it be a good idea to make them a bit longer?
I heard it's more Star Warsy and will introduce New Television Enhancement to topple American Idol in ratings!
The only plot of a successful Jar Jar Binks-based movie might be something like, Gungans on a Plane! They could re-cast Samuel L. Jackson back into his role as Mace Windu. It would be an epic tale of the Jedi Master in his early days battling the evil Gungans on the planet Naboo, ultimatel forcing their whole civilization into exile to live beneath the waters of the planet forever, hoping they'd be forgotten (until discovered in ep. 1 by Qui Gon and Obi Wan).
"I am sick and tired of these mother-fucking Gungans . . . on this mother-fucking starship!"
Why the hell does everyone hate the prequels? I enjoyed all 3 of those movies. Of course it's not going to be as good as the first time you ever watched Star Wars simply because your already familiar with the god damn SW universe. Jeez fucking whiny Movie noobs.
i didnt like the prequels because they were shit and clearly aimed at 5-10 year olds
Why the hell does everyone hate the prequels? I enjoyed all 3 of those movies. Of course it's not going to be as good as the first time you ever watched Star Wars simply because your already familiar with the god damn SW universe. Jeez fucking whiny Movie noobs.

Episode 1: Long drawn out political drama that replaced ewoks with gungans and the whole miraculous conception concept, was grasping at straws. It was Star Wars, but in all honesty without Darth Maul, that movie would have been a complete waste.

Episode 2: Better then the first and got more into the Star Wars sense, but it took forever for the movie to get going and finally led to a pretty climatic ending.

Episode 3: I'll say that it was the best of the three, a lot darker, but the whole thing was nearly destroyed with FrankenVader.
Why the hell does everyone hate the prequels? I enjoyed all 3 of those movies. Of course it's not going to be as good as the first time you ever watched Star Wars simply because your already familiar with the god damn SW universe. Jeez fucking whiny Movie noobs.

Dialogue, dialogue, dialogue. It was so bad, that it completely removed me from the movies. I don't even blame the actors so much, a lot of them were of high quality (McGregor, Nesson, Portman, et al), just the lines were so bad even they couldn't help them.

Abuse of CGI. A lot of it was so overdone that, again, it removed me from my suspension of disbelief. Let's not even talk about Jar Jar.

Plot. The man should have done Eps VII - IX, the holes in how I - III were handled was just too much too look past.

I know, I am going to catch a lot of people's flack for hating the movies and the plot, but man, I was so ready to like them, I really wanted to.
I think the prequel trilogy got worse and worse with each new movie.

Episode One was alright, aside from the conception story.

Episode Two sucked, mainly because of Anakin. (Christianson played such a dumb whiney bitch)

Episode Three sucked more, because it was damn near all Anakin, Padmey, plot holes, half thought up reasoning between the episode 2-4 gap, ect.

And like before, Dialogue sucked.

Ewan McGreggor is the only reason I liked any of the prequils, because he didn't seem to suck as bad.
I consider myself to be a fairly big fan of the Star wars franchise, but clearly the prequel episodes were not up to par with the original trilogy. The prequel movies were entertaining to be sure, and beautiful from a special effects standpoint, but lacked the emotional pizzaz of the original trilogy. In my opinion, it was just a simple matter of direction. George Lucas can create vivid, detailed worlds for us to marvel at, but goes on to populate them so poorly (don't get me started on Gungans) and only get a mediocre performance out of the actors at best. When you have actors like Sam Jackson, Ewan McGreggor, Ian McDiarmid, Natale Portman, Liam Nissan, and Christopher Lee and can only manage a so so performance out of them, a problem there is.

I think that we can all agree to having an intrest on some level in the Star Wars franchise, and that's where the disillusionment and negativity about the prequel films stems. We all want to see Lucas' endeavours succeed... and when they don't meet our expectations we feel cheated in a way. We all want to recall that sense of wonder and mystery we felt when we first read the words "A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...", and unfortunately for us that feeling just isn't there with the prequels.


Well, if Georgie gets rid of the stuff like dialog and plot that didn't work in the prequels, and keeps the action and CGI stuff, it will be a lot like a cartoon with live actors. That should work just fine. Since there won't be any members of the Starwalker family, there probably won't be any canon continuity gaps that require lame plot fillers to cover over, so there won't be much need for plot at all. No plot means no inconvenient dialog. Getting rid of all that unnecessary stuff will leave about an hour of pure nonstop action. This sounds like recipe for success to me.

:rolleyes: :p :lol:
I consider myself to be a fairly big fan of the Star wars franchise, but clearly the prequel episodes were not up to par with the original trilogy. The prequel movies were entertaining to be sure, and beautiful from a special effects standpoint, but lacked the emotional pizzaz of the original trilogy. In my opinion, it was just a simple matter of direction. George Lucas can create vivid, detailed worlds for us to marvel at, but goes on to populate them so poorly (don't get me started on Gungans) and only get a mediocre performance out of the actors at best. When you have actors like Sam Jackson, Ewan McGreggor, Ian McDiarmid, Natale Portman, Liam Nissan, and Christopher Lee and can only manage a so so performance out of them, a problem there is.

I think that we can all agree to having an intrest on some level in the Star Wars franchise, and that's where the disillusionment and negativity about the prequel films stems. We all want to see Lucas' endeavours succeed... and when they don't meet our expectations we feel cheated in a way. We all want to recall that sense of wonder and mystery we felt when we first read the words "A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...", and unfortunately for us that feeling just isn't there with the prequels.



Spot on.

Well, if Georgie gets rid of the stuff like dialog and plot that didn't work in the prequels, and keeps the action and CGI stuff, it will be a lot like a cartoon with live actors. That should work just fine. Since there won't be any members of the Starwalker family, there probably won't be any canon continuity gaps that require lame plot fillers to cover over, so there won't be much need for plot at all. No plot means no inconvenient dialog. Getting rid of all that unnecessary stuff will leave about an hour of pure nonstop action. This sounds like recipe for success to me.

:rolleyes: :p :lol:

Hey, the Clone War cartoon series was pretty damn good. :lol:
Dialogue, dialogue, dialogue. It was so bad, that it completely removed me from the movies. I don't even blame the actors so much, a lot of them were of high quality (McGregor, Nesson, Portman, et al), just the lines were so bad even they couldn't help them.
Man, going back and watching the original trilogy, some (not all) of the dialogue was pretty bad. Especially Luke, prequel Anakin may have been bad, but Luke wasn't any better.
Man, going back and watching the original trilogy, some (not all) of the dialogue was pretty bad. Especially Luke, prequel Anakin may have been bad, but Luke wasn't any better.
That is why I no longer think of Star Wars as a set of movies, but more an alternate history of an alternate universe.

It is an awesome universe, with some awesome stories. Lucas just chose to tell the crappy stories, or tell the good stories crappily. Your pick. :p
Hey, the Clone War cartoon series was pretty damn good. :laugh:

Spot on. I do find it odd however that I was far more engrosed by the Clone Wars cartoon than by the movies themselves.